Seriously, What Do You Do When You Don’t Drink?

This is the most asked question. What do you do if you don’t drink? Long story short, literally anything. That leaves it wide open almost a little too wide. Now that you had ditched booze, you may find that you have a lot of time on your hands. It’s amazing how much time and energy drinking takes up. It’s not just spending time in bars or on the couch with a bottle of chardonnay, its also the mental real estate booze takes up thinking about your next drink, are you drinking too fast or too much. It’s exhausting!

Here are a few things you can do when you are booze free:

Learn a New Skill

Learning something new has so many benefits. When you commit to being a student not only are you are broadening your horizons, but you are building your self confidence and trust in yourself and reaching a goal. Additionally, how badass would it be to blow your friends away at karaoke or show off your new skills in a group or for friends and family!

I am a huge music lover and truly believe music is healing. Expanding my skills has brought me so much joy and built my self confidence in ways I never imagined. I love that no matter where I am or what time of day it is, I can turn on my computer and immerse myself in music training. The worries of my day float away when I focus my energy on something powerful and let’s be honest, way healthier than drinking!

Tap into your inner rockstar for FREE! Learn how good it feels to melt your stress and worries away with every note and technique you learn to master.

Check out 30 days of free lessons:
Sing: Singeo

Piano: Pianote

Drums: Drumeo

Try Something New:

To say I am slightly obsessed with non alcoholic options is an understatement. However, I will be the first to admit I was staying in my comfort zone and would never step outside the box and try something different. I always thought mixing your own drinks or drinking anything other than something that wasn’t pre mixed or ready to drink, wouldn’t taste as good or maybe I didn’t trust myself or think I needed to take a little extra time to curate and create a non alcoholic drink for myself.

Whatever my reasoning was, I am so happy I stepped outside my comfort zone and tried something different. With all the options out there, I found that Raising the Bar NA drink boxes really helped me keep it fun and try something I wouldn’t normally try and it is delivered right to my door, so easy peasy! I found the drink recipe cards extremely helpful and the garnishes are so much fun and just drop dead gorgeous. These NA boxes really help you keep the creativity flowing and learn new flavor combinations.

Try something new and take your non alcoholic options to the next level. Use code ASGG15 for 15% off your order with Raising the Bar.

Prioritize You:

Yes, you read that correctly. It is not selfish and you wont be missing out on anything when you prioritize yourself. You may be saying to yourself but Jess, I am a mom, I am too busy, I have a high pressure job, I have this, I have that. Stop. I understand where you are coming from and we can sit here all day long going back and forth exchanging excuses of why you can’t or shouldn’t prioritize yourself. Your relationships, your job, your kids, your mental health, your physical health, all NEED you to prioritize yourself. I promise you once you do the work on yourself by discovering what you need and want and then act on it, everything in life with flow better and easier and for lack of better words, just be in alignment.

This is exactly what we do with our coaching programs. You will learn how to take care of yourself and discover what you truly need. Spoiler alert its not what you think it is. You will discover how to change and implement healthier habits that help your life instead of hinder it. This is the pathway to freedom from the booze induced hamster wheel so many of women are on.

Join like minded women change their relationship with alcohol.


Must Have Sober Tools


How to Tell Your Friends You are Booze Free