Anne Hathaway Reveals She's 5 Years Sober

Anne Hathaway revealed she is five years sober, calling the marker a "milestone."

In her New York Times interview, she discussed her career, age, and new movie. She mentioned her sobriety which was prompted by a hungover school drop-off with her son. Anne revealed in 2019 that she made the “extreme” decision to cut out alcohol completely.

"There are so many other things I identify as milestones. I don't normally talk about it, but I am over 5 years sober," said Hathaway. "That feels like a milestone to me."

Later in the interview, Hathaway conceded that drinking was "probably" a way she coped with "somatic stress" relating to not feeling comfortable in her body.

Hathaway first opened up about her sobriety in January 2019 on "The Ellen DeGeneres Show," stating that she had decided to stop drinking for 18 years while her son Jonathan was still living with her.

“I’m gonna stop drinking while my son’s living in my house,” she said. “I don’t totally love the way I [drink], and he’s getting to an age where he really does need me all the time in the mornings... I did one school run one day where I dropped him off at school, I wasn’t driving, but I was hungover, and that was enough for me. I didn’t love that one.”

Anne emphasized that her sobriety wasn’t “a moralistic stance,” but had more to do with her hangovers and how they were impacting her work and family life.

"I don't think drinking is bad. It's just the way I do it—which I personally think is really fun and awesome—is just not the kind of fun and awesome that goes with having a child for me. But this isn't a moralistic stance."

We love seeing Sober Girls being represented and standing tall in their booze-free journey. Being a very prominent celebrity who women look up to, it is so great to see Anne being candid and sharing about her choice to become a Sober Girl.

THIS COULD BE YOU! Now is the time to change your relationship with alcohol. Through accountability, coaching, and community you will feel the love and support of like-minded women. Get off the hamster wheel and make the most of your healing journey! Join A Sober Girls Guide Group Coaching.


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